Things To Say To Your Ex To Win Back Her Heart

So your ex girlfriend ditched out on you a few weeks ago and you want her back. You’re having restless nights coming up with the right things to say to your ex to hopefully win her back.

If you really want to say the right things, you first need to take a step back and realize that most guys DO NOT get their ex’s back.

Why is that the case?

Because their emotions get in the way which results in saying the wrong things.

So what you need to understand is what NOT to say or you’re going to end up pushing your ex away like the majority of desperate men.

Never say any of these lines (or anything similar)

“How much time or space do you need?”

A woman doesn’t know how much time she needs away from you and if she does you’re pressuring her to make a commitment in the future.

If she tells you that she needs some space, the best reply is no reply.

Or if you have to say something, tell her you were thinking about the same thing and that you’re going to take off to Europe for a couple of weeks.

“I just want to tell you how I feel”

You might think this will help your cause, but you’re making it worst. Actually if you do tell her how you feel, you might as well say goodbye to her for good, because she’s not coming back.

“I just need some answers to get some closure”

If you want a girl to feel sorry for you, go ahead and try to pry out some answers to get some closure. Any time you make a female feel guilty in any way, you’re pushing her further from you.

This type of desperation from men is manipulative and reeks of desperation. You think you’ll feel better from all of it? Well guess what? She doesn’t care if you get closure or not.

“Don’t give up on us” or “I’m not going to give up on you”

Get a grip on yourself; her losing attraction to you is NOT a choice. It happens over time. She never intended to “give up” on your relationship. Again, any type of pressure or guilt trip will push her further away.

Women aren’t attracted to desperation. They are repulsed by it. You see, most men try to put on the guilt trip on their ex’s. And sometimes you will get your ex’s attention. You might think it’s good, but in reality your ex just feels sorry for you.

Don’t fall for this trap. Set yourself apart from the guys who don’t “get it”.

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