Use Metabolism Boosters To Lose Fat Fast

It is easy to get lost in all the weight loss programs and information that is available on the internet and also in the print media. In the midst of all this information, there is a weight loss tip that I believe is a must learn for everyone who is really interested to decrease any excess fat. This tip is to use metabolism boosters.

This involves using simple things to increase the metabolism rate of our body, which in turn burns off excess fat.

Here is a small list of some metabolism boosters:

1. Some foods that boost metabolism
a. Proteins
– Proteins are actually a better food than carbohydrates or fat to increase your metabolism because your body needs more energy to process it. Studies also show that you use twice as much calories digesting proteins than what you would use with carbohydrates.

b. Water – All chemical reactions in your body need water and so a well hydrated body can burn more calories. You can lose fat fast if you burn more calories than you take in.

c. Red Pepper – Capsaicin, the bioactive compound that makes chile peppers “hot”, can boost metabolism by upto 23 percent. However, be careful as too much intake can cause excess “gas”.

2. Some exercises that boost metabolism
a. Lifting heavy weights and light weights
– Research shows that lifting weights just twice a week can reverse the decline in the function of mitochondria, which is essential to healthy growth and energetic lifestyle.

Using lighter and heavier weight consecutively speeds up the metabolism rate and this stretches into resting times as well.

b. Various exercises include crouch and pull, lunges, squats, knee huggers and more. In one study, women who exercised for 10 minutes 3 times daily, lost 30 percent more fat than others who exercised longer only once daily.

3. Some other things that boost metabolism
a. Breakfast
– Don’t miss breakfast as regular and smaller meals through the day keeps your metabolism working at a higher rate than if you had less and bigger meals.

b. Drink tea or coffee (Not too much) – The caffeine is a metabolism booster and the antioxidant in the tea is good for overall health.

Simple things as food, exercise and other things are important in our efforts to lose weight and reduce excess fat.

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