Why Perfume Is So Powerful

Perfume is oils that are combined to create a specific fragrance, and it is a very popular product. We probably smell perfume almost every day, whether we recognize it or not. Women are quick to appreciate the effect of a good perfume, but for some men it is hard to understand why a bottle of smelly liquid should cost money. The reason perfume is so popular is because it is a powerful product in a couple ways.

The way that a person smells can either push people away, or draw people in. Like it or not, the way a person smells can influence what people think about them and their social class. People who don’t smell great are perceived as low class, while perfume is a distinguishable trait of higher class people. It’s not about trying to deceive others into thinking you are something you’re not, rather you are just putting on your best smell. It has the same effect as dressing well, or brushing your teeth.

Perfume not only influences how people think of you, but how well they remember you. Your olfactory nerve, the nerve responsible for receiving smells, is routed directly into your hippocampus, the area of the brain responsible for memories. What this means is that of all your senses, smell is the one most likely to be associated with memories. Smelling the perfume of a longtime spouse can bring back dozens of vivid memories that would have not been recalled without that specific smell.

The oils in perfume aren’t magical, and don’t grant super powers to their wearers, but that doesn’t stop perfume from being a powerful tool.

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