Archive for April, 2011

A Guide to Used Metal Detectors

So you are thinking of getting the best metal detector it is possible to for your money and so have thought about Used Metal Detectors, then you should definitely know what you’re doing.

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Giving Personalized Pens As Corporate Gifts

Pens have long been used as promotional material for many a business seeking to get more customers or clients. Personalized pens have even crossed over being simple marketing tools to being more powerful forms of persuasion in the guise of corporate gifts. I have firsthand experience on how well a small token greases the wheels of negotiations. The previous company I worked for delegated the task of company to company liaison and overall relationship-valuing to me, and thus I talked over business deals, made comments on proposals, helped a business owner get over his recent losses, and all that. Don’t underestimate the value of subterfuge. Why do you think big business deals are sealed over a bottle of champagne?

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Getting Into Her Good Books Again

So you want to get her back. It may sound really difficult considering how bad your break-up might have been. If you are sure that the relationship is worth salvaging then there are some surefire ways of getting her back. First things first – do not make the mistake of being the desperate puppy following her everywhere with sad dopey eyes. If there is anything that can put off a girl is a needy boy. And after a while it can also look like you are stalking her. That can spell trouble for you. You have to understand that if you want her back, it has to be of her own free will.

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Common Misconceptions About Acupuncture

Acupuncture is not quite the mystery that it was only a few short years ago. In fact, it is becoming common to have Western doctors suggest acupuncture as an option for health conditions ranging from insomnia to infertility. Insurance companies are now starting to cover acupuncture, which is also helping the public to realize that it is a legitimate form of medicine. However, there are still many misconceptions about this healing art.

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How To Save On Your Hair Restoration Cost

The hair restoration cost doesn’t always have to go off the roof. However, you do want good value for your money. The most expensive clinics and surgeons are not necessarily your only option.

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How To Check Criminal Records For Free

There are several ways you can protect yourself when you learn how to check criminal records for free. It is important in today’s society that we know who we are dealing with, whether it is a business partner a neighbor or even a loved one. By investigating a person’s background, you can protect yourself and your family from potential harm. In this article we will discuss several ways to check criminal records for free as well as some low-cost services that can do the investigating for you.

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What Is the Risk to Your Health From Japan’s Nuclear Disaster?

Californians are understandably concerned about the health hazards the nuclear plume from Japan’s Fukushima nuclear accident may pose if and when it arrives at the West Coast. This fear has led to a run on Potassium Iodide (KI), Kelp and other sources of iodine. Many feel unsafe and vulnerable because they could not get KI tablets. Some are willing to pay any price for these miraculous KI tablets, which obviously has created an opportunity for huge profits for many vendors on the internet.

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How to Start an Online Business On a Shoestring

Want to start and grow a successful business with little or no money? It’s easier than you might think. I’ve done it three times in total now. My most recent company,, I started with absolutely $0.

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What Is Exercise Induced Leg Pain?

Exercise induced leg pain has many causes, including exertional compartment syndrome, popliteal artery entrapment syndrome, medial tibial stress syndrome and stress fracture. I will focus on these particular causes and give recommendations on how to treat each one.

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Spring into Happily Ever After

There are few things as wonderful as young love, especially when it happens in Spring! Remember when you first met the partner of your dreams? Everything felt so alive, right? You probably felt a general blissful wonder while your endorphins ran on high. Every time you saw or thought of your sweetie, the butterflies churned, and your heart thump, thump, thumped at the mere thought of your new love! Then as time went on, those butterflies took flight and found other couples ready to relish in young love, while you and your partner resigned to be grouchy and cranky in “old” love.
But it doesn’t have to be that way. If you grew up with old fashioned stories about relationships based on minimum effort, on necessity or convenience, these three truths will help you understand that there are some key things you have to do to truly live happily ever after.

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The best way to begin a talking to parents

Opening a dialogue just isn’t as frightening as it could seem and it doesn’t have to be the adult who starts the discussion. Teens can open the lines of communication too. As the saying goes, “talking is really a two way street”. If there is some thing on your mind, for anyone who is feeling confused or should you just have to talk, there is often some trustworthy adult willing to listen. Your parents, your aunts and uncles, a teacher or guidance counselor, even your grandparents – there’s an adult you may turn to. They might not like what you are saying, they may even get mad, but in case you maintain your cool and keep on topic they are going to listen. Pick out an adult you know will listen prior to reacting, take a deep breath and make the ever so important move of “communicating”. You’ll be glad you did.

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Employment In Thailand

Termination of Employment

The Labour Protection Act B.E. 2541 (1998) (“the Act”) applies to all businesses operating in Thailand. The employer/employee relationship is regulated under Thai law, including matters relating to the termination of an employee.

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Pictures Of Sunsets In Atlanta

Atlanta is a city with a long American History. Wars have been fought there and marches have been waged. The city is beautiful and resplendent. The land was bought from the native Americans in 1822. That makes it one of the oldest cities in the south. Atlanta is truly the city of legends.

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