Acne Rosacea

The eyes and nose are affected by a facial condition known as acne rosacea. Even though this condition is referred to as acne rosacea because of its similarities to acne, it in fact is an issue which is totally independent of and unrelated to acne.

  • Identifying The Symptoms
  • Acne rosacea causes the face to appear ruddy all the time and affects the middle third portion of the face. Pimples form on the face as a result of it and it is for this reason that so many people confuse this condition with acne. This condition causes the red blood cells of the face to enlarge and thus creates a blushing affect on the face that is distinctive to rosacea.
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    While it is mostly teenagers who have to deal with acne problems, acne rosacea affects fair skin individuals between the ages of thirty and sixty more than any other group of people. Women are more likely to be affected by rosacea than men are. When men do develop this skin problem, however, they tend to have more severe symptoms than most women do. Rosacea is also distinctive from acne in that it does not cause blackheads and whiteheads to form.

    A long term condition, this type of acne often affects people in irregular spurts at first. Eventually, however, the condition takes stronger hold and can cause blushing and ruddiness to become a permanent feature on the face of the individual who is suffering from this skin problem. Acne rosacea should be treated because if it is not it can become progressively worse. For most people, the cheeks become puffy and the nose bulbous. In some especially severe cases, impaired vision can occur.

  • What Causes It
  • Although a specific cause for acne rosacea has yet to be discovered, doctors and researchers have found that people who frequently and easily blush are more likely to develop this issue. Since stress often induces blushing, it is supposed that stress plays a part in causing this disorder. Sun exposure and sudden temperature changes have also been found to aggravate skin that has been affected by rosacea.

    A person who is dealing with acne rosacea should get treated right away. A treatment plan that includes medications can help you to get the problem under control. The sooner you consult with your doctor or dermatologist, the sooner they can get you started on an effective prevention and treatment program.

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