Green Tea and Weight Loss – The Truth Revealed

There are numerous claims about green tea that haven’t been properly tested by scientific studies. But nevertheless the evidence is adding up, green tea is a very positive and healthy beverage to consume. Amazingly, even water is second best.

The Chinese have known this for over 4,000 years. Private studies and personal testimonies indicate that green tea is very popular for weight loss. It has been said that it increases metabolism, burns fat, delays the aging process, contains high amounts of antioxidants, blocks fat absorption, boosts the immune system, increases energy, improves skin tone,and helps the body fight diseases.

The truth is, as far as weight loss is concerned, this specific type of tea has been scientifically proven to burn calories and block fat absorption. Another interesting fact is that this tea helps you exercise longer. All this time people gave credit to the natural caffeine to aid in the weight loss factor but few know that a natural chemical called EGCG is the power behind the effectiveness of losing weight. Not only does it stimulate the metabolism but it also accelerates weight loss.

It’s time to toss away the diet pills that could have potentially harmful side effects and get what you need straight from the green tea leaf. Even though most teas have caffeine, please note that Green tea is unoxidized. What this simply means is that it has less aroma and caffeine than its siblings such as Oolong tea or black tea, however it retains much more of its powerful nutrients and antioxidants.

Truthfully, the use of green tea has come a long way. With modern technology and cutting edge research there are new techniques and studies being done to help educate individuals as to how and why this tea should be used as a natural way to balance our health.

Kristine Huynh has devoted herself to the study of holistic health and wellness for the past 8 years now, and enjoys sharing lessons learned with like minded health conscious individuals. Through constant research she is always one step ahead of the game.

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