Lap Band Surgery

Many people as we know are becoming obese and they realize they must do something about it. Instead of doing it naturally they will revert to surgery. There are couple ways to get the stomach smaller such as lap band or gastric bypass surgery. Basically it is tying off the stomach to make a much smaller one so the intake of food is smaller. This is not the easy fix to lose weight as many people think it is. It is a life style change, and if you do not follow what your doctor says, it can cause many other problems than just being overweight.

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Your mind must first, accept this is what you wan to do. There are questions that your doctor will give you and you must answer every one of them honestly, even if it hurts. You must know why you want this surgery, and the complications that could arise.

There is only about one percent of people die having this surgery, but you must understand it is not the surgery itself; it is the complications that arise from it. Before even contacting a doctor that does lap band surgery, talk to yourself, long and hard. Once you have it set in your mind and heart as to why you want to subject your body to these changes, go online and read what others have done and why they had the lap band surgery.

Take your time about lap band surgery; it will change your life and those around you. Yes, you will lose weight and pretty quickly, but for it to really work you have to stay with your new life style on eating and when and how much. Read all you can on the different types of surgery, do not be hasty about this. Then talk to your doctor about it, telling him why and what can he do to help you find a good, reliable surgeon. They will advise you all the way around about this.

Once you have had the surgery, follow the instructions your doctor has given to you, do not listen to family and friends, although they mean well, but if they have not had the lap band they do not know what they are talking about. Your doctor knows best, not them. It’s a real tough decision to make, so please learn all you can about it before doing it; your life will change, hopefully for the better.

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