Mindsets – Lack Or Abundance?

When it comes to money, do you operate from a place of lack or from a place of abundance?

The Universe operates on the principle of abundance. There is always more than enough. Always. More than enough. Of everything, including money.

Look back at your life. Have you ever really needed something that you did not have? Really needed it and it wasn’t there?

The Universe isn’t stingy with leaves on trees. She doesn’t try to make the trees hold on to each and every leaf because they might not come back next time around.

The Universe behaves as if there’s no question that spring will arrive next year.

I get it. You think money is different than nature. Nature is holy and money, oh-so-not holy. Leaves on trees are not dollar bills in your bank account. But are you sure?

Can you know for sure that everything in the Universe-nature, animals, people, wealth, love, health-doesn’t operate on the same basic principle of abundance?

Money, like everything, is energy. It responds in a predictable way. When we expect it, honor it, appreciate it, keep it in motion, it’s always flowing. It’s law.

When we fear it, hoard it, waste it, stay in denial around it, obsess over it, the natural flow is interrupted.

What we believe in, we get evidence of. Wealth is no different.

When we believe in abundance we experience abundance. When we believe in scarcity, we experience lack.

A good way to find out whether you apply the principle of abundance to money is to think of something you do believe is abundant and see if the metaphor translates.

Let’s take oxygen, for example. I’m guessing you think oxygen is pretty abundant in your life.

When you’re running on the treadmill, do you worry that the person next to you is breathing too much, that they’re using too much oxygen? Or do you just know there’s enough for everyone?

Do you ration your oxygen use just in case something happens down the road? If you happen to lose your current source of oxygen in a few years, do you fear that you won’t be able to just turn the corner and find more?

What’s your mind dialed in on around oxygen, lack or abundance? What about around money?

How would you treat money differently if you believed it were abundant? More important, how would it treat you differently?

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