The Process Of Change We Can Believe In

The election of 2010 will be remembered as the greatest public venting in recent memory, and the winners are not necessarily there because people want them. Sending a message to the Federal Government that the American people are frustrated, broke, scared and nervous, voters decided to take a chance on trying something different. As far as I am concerned, this is just part of experiencing Obama’s process of change we can believe in.

I remember hearing the First Lady tell supporters at a rally that change is hard and doesn’t always feel good. Despite the disappointing loss Democrats experienced and the unexpected victory conservatives enjoyed, this is part of that change, just not what anyone expected.

This will be one of the most divided Houses in years, and despite many voters sending electing reform oriented catalytic converters, I doubt much will get done, unless the world of political idealism and reality somehow collide. Who knows, anything is possible these days.

But if we take Obama’s message of change we can believe in and apply it to what we saw in November, perhaps this is just part of that process. Maybe Americans really are tired and want something different. Perhaps this new congress will be held to a different standard as they learn how to govern effectively. Everybody is already talking about compromising and working together… as long is it involves joining their respective camps.

If change we can believe in has any traction or truth to it whatsoever, it will have to come from the bottom up, not the top down. This election served as a symbol of people having the ability to shake up Washington but the only problem was that they sent the wrong people to do the job.

What we as individuals need to realize is that if we really want to create a better world to live in, then we have to take more of a hands on approach. Voting people into office is step one, and keeping our elected officials accountable and honest is our responsibility and ours alone.

Hopefully this will be a golden hour in changing the direction of our nation, but I highly doubt it because we just aren’t ready for realistic idealism quite yet. However, if it were to happen, I can’t think of a better person than Obama to bring everyone together.

If we use our heads and make our elected officials do what we want them to do, then this diverse blend of personalities that makes up the 112th Congress can be of good use to us. But, since we are so used to them using us to do what they want to do, it is going to take more than one strange election to change our attitudes.

But the more involved we are in the process, the more real change can be made instead of this continual cycle of nonsense that we’ve gotten used to.

John is an unemployed choir director who is also a freelance article and song writer. Traveling the world and sharing stories about life’s little moments, his articles cover a wide range of interesting topics including a passenger eye view of the travel industry.

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