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Is Apologia Science Rigorous Enough for the College-Bound?

Are Apologia science textbooks rigorous enough for college-bound students? Sure, they are popular with homeschoolers, but how GOOD are they as science books?

Apologia is a very rigorous college prep series. I do not usually recommend specific curriculum, because I know it is all about “fit” more than a textbook. When it comes to science, though, I had such success with the curriculum we used, that I really do recommend it – even to my clients that are not Christian.

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Finding The Right Home School Software

If you have decided to teach your children at home, then it is important to find the right homeschool software to make your job not only easy, but comply with the homeschooling guidelines set out by each school district. There are many parents that take their kids out of school to teach them at home for a number of different reasons. Sometimes, in order to save money districts close schools in neighborhoods, where they shouldn’t. When this happens, many parents choose to teach at home, rather than subject their kids to many negative things at regular public schools.

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Preschool and Homeschooling

Mother and father know that finding out starts at home, that is why you may desire to find out the way to homeschool preschool. Fortunately, a house can easily accommodate your preschool kid’s educational requires. All it takes is often a small guidance from you as well as the availability from the following things.

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Home Schooling – Right or Wrong?

Is home schooling such a nice concepts as when you initially thought of it? There are many things to consider before taking this decision especially because it’s regarding your child and his future. There are benefits and downsides of finding out at home so you better check they all in advance.

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Wrong Way, Right Way

Have you ever seen someone go down the wrong path or street? I bet you wanted to yell, “Stop!” The truth is, there are millions of people going the wrong way everyday. Instead, they should be heading toward Jesus who is the only way to the right way. Do your kids know that they can take part in helping lead their friends away from the wrong way? James 5:20 says this: “Anyone who brings a sinner back from the wrong way will save that sinner’s soul from death.” This is a pretty strong verse with a strong message. But elementary kids are ready to understand that death is real and there is a wrong and right way. Why not try playing this fun Bible school activity to help your kids understand this important truth and memorize this important Scripture? I call it, “Wrong Way, Right Way.”

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Do I Have to Be Certified to Homeschool?

If you are considering homeschooling for your family, you probably have a lot of questions. There are reasons that are drawing you into the idea of educating your children at home, but you want to be sure to do it right, and you certainly don’t want to get into any legal trouble. At some point, you will find yourself asking questions such as, “Can I really do this?” “Am I qualified?” and, “Do I need to get certified to do this?”

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How to Introduce Division

Given you are reading this article, I suspect that your child already knows how to multiply. It will be important to relate what we do in division.

Now, the first thing I did with both our kids is to grab our marbles. I ask them to take out twelve marbles of their choice and put them on the floor in front of them.

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How to Find the Right Spelling Tutor

If you are struggling to help your child pass spelling tests or are concerned that they will fall too far behind in school because they just aren’t getting spelling words at the rate other children are picking them up, it is time to seek the help of a spelling tutor. This isn’t admitting defeat as a parent or surrendering your job to someone else. It is merely admitting that your child needs help beyond the scope of what you can provide and doing your job to ensure they get that help.

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Online Homeschooling Programs

Online homeschooling programs, whether these be free or paid, have seen a dramatic rise in the past ten years. The increasing amount of information available on the internet have facilitated this growth. There is a enormous assortment of homeschooling programs online and homeschool lesson plans on the Internet today. Educational publishers offer CD-ROM based distance learning for example. These courses utilize a CD-ROM which sometimes is accompanied by a textbook or workbook. The parent helps the child with any questions as well as with general guidance. The student sends in tests and papers via email or website to an accredited teacher. The distance learning program also helps the family keep all records of progress, achievements and assessments.

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Technology and Home Schooling

Most homeschoolers have limited their homeschooling programs to the traditional model of textbooks and workbooks. While there is nothing wrong with these, there are vast amounts of additional resources available to homeschool parents through the computer, whether through online schools, website programs, or research tools. However, many homeschool parents have shied away from these tools out of fear or the challenges that come with modern technology. These issues don’t have to cripple your homeschool program, as long as you take care to implement a few strategies.

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How to Start Homeschooling

I am often asked how to start homeschooling by new homeschooling families – and my answer is that is as easy as petting a cat! There are so many lessons in life that we can apply to our homeschooling. But petting a cat! How does that work?

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Birds – A Homeschooling Unit Study

I had no interest in birds until one of my toddlers showed a fascination for birds. If I have no excitement about a subject, it is difficult for me to teach. So I found someone who loved birds. I signed up for a night class that lasted about three nights with a field trip on the last Saturday. The professor showed slides and carefully explained the markings on each bird. Suddenly I realized that each bird opened its dry beak and chirped a different bird call. I became amazed at the different shapes of beaks (depending on what the bird eats) and the shape of its claws (depending on what the bird uses its claws for). A whole new world was open to me, all because of my toddler’s interest.

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Homeschooling is Easy to Defend

If you are considering homeschooling or are already doing it, you know it can be a pretty controversial decision. I am sure you have heard complaints from dozens of people and at least one has told you that keeping your child at home could damage their personality. You may have heard some crazy threats from well meaning teachers. And you are left wondering; “How do I defend my choice to homeschool?”

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Homeschool High School

I recently picked up a high school textbook called “American Literature” to see what public school kids were reading these days.

First of all, it was HUGE – much bigger than the dictionary. Yikes! No wonder kids have back pain! When I looked inside, I had fond feelings for my own high school honors English teacher. I remember her reading aloud, and how fun she made everything. I remembered reading Shakespeare plays as a lass, each student taking a part.

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Why Should I Home School My Child?

There are approximately 3-4 million homeschooled students in North America. Homeschooling has become a popular option for many parents. Such issues as violence, morals and values, cost, and academic performance are always at the forefront in this issue.
Before considering a homeschool program for your child, consider the following pros and cons:

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How to Lift Students’ Math a Grade Level

Many of us might have experienced the trauma that our kids go through trying to learn math, to the extent that they start to hate it! Most of us at some stage shunned math because we did not understand it. Fortunately, this need not happen nowadays.

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Homeschool High School – Family Friendly Options

Recently I was awarded the “Family Friendly” seal of approval from The Old Schoolhouse. I was so excited – and it is a cute badge to put on my website, too!

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Public Schools “Dumping” on Homeschoolers?

In an online publication of the Houston Chronicle, a recent article on homeschooling should have stirred up the frustration of all of those who try to homeschool with integrity and purpose. Homeschooling has been increasing in number over the last years, annually in Texas at about 7 percent per year according to this same article, and yet in this article, homeschoolers were given one more hurdle to overcome in attempts to gain public acceptance and validation of their educational methods. According to this report, it would now seem that homeschoolers must also combat the “dumping” of students into this educational path who may, or may not, have the same motivations or passions with regard to homeschooling.

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Homeschooling – Tools and Resources

While considered to be a gratifying experience for all the members of a family, homeschooling can be a pain in the pocket.

For families who are living on a tight budget because of limited income, frugal homeschooling is starting to become recognized. Here are a few ways to provide your child a decent education and save money at the same time.

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Obtaining Homeschool Lesson Plans Online

You will find that many of these lesson plans are easy to read, well laid out, and great for teaching your children with. Whether you need one for math, history, English, or any other subject, you will be able to find what you need online.

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