Kidney Disease Symptom Checklist

Kidney disease can be a very serious condition. It can, if not detected early, lead to complications that left untreated, can shut down the kidneys and lead to complicated treatments that include dialysis. Is that something that you want to mess with? Of course not; that is why it is so critical you come to recognize the symptoms from the symptoms of many other common illnesses.
Infectious diseases
Your kidneys are responsible for filtering wastes and other toxins from the blood. When your kidneys do not do this, wastes and other toxins build up in the blood. This can lead to many problems, including chronic illness. Many people fail to consider the health of their kidneys when they are treating other diseases, and yet it is other diseases that often lead to kidney damage. That is why it is so important to know what the most common kidney disease symptom and/or symptoms are.

Here is a checklist of some of the more well-known symptoms of kidney disease:

  • Change in urination
  • Difficulty urinating
  • Pain on urination
  • Foamy or bubbly urination
  • Changes in the color of your urine
  • Blood in the urine, which may be a sign of a urinary tract infection, which can lead to a kidney infection, which can lead to kidney disease (it is a progressive thing)
  • Fatigue or sleepiness, which may be the result of a drop in red blood cells, so the muscles and the brain become more tired. This typically has a name, called anemia.
  • Itching or other skin rashes, which may be the result of a buildup of wastes in the blood.
  • A metallic taste in the mouth, which can cause certain foods to taste differently, or can cause the breath to smell bad. Some patients notice they no longer enjoy eating certain foods especially meat, while others simply lose their interest in eating anything.
  • Nausea and vomiting, which can result in a buildup in wastes in the blood.
  • Pain in the legs of pain in the back, especially in the middle of the back. Typically kidney damage can cause cysts in the kidneys, and sometimes these can buildup in the liver too. Sometimes these are painful, and other times not. Some people notice their lower backs are hurting or their sides start hurting and they are not sure why. Other people notice they feel pain at certain times, like at night.
  • Dizziness – This can result from anemia; it can also result from a buildup of toxins in the blood. Patients can also develop anemia simply from not eating, because they have lost their appetite due to increasingly serious kidney damage.
  • What Happens If I Have Symptoms of Kidney Disease

    If you have any of the above symptoms, you should seek the care of a qualified health professional. Some people hear “kidney disease” and they immediately think “dialysis” and worry they will die right away. This is certainly not the case! There are many steps you can take to improve the health of your kidneys and your outlook for a long and healthier life. Many people can take steps to slow down the progression of chronic kidney disease.

    For example, the first step you can take is to simply start following the guidance provided to you by your health care professional. Many people will benefit by getting physical activity and by lowering their blood pressure. It also helps to drink plenty of water, filtered water if possible, and getting rest when appropriate. For some, other changes in lifestyle are necessary as directed by a qualified health care professional.

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