Nine Clinically Proven Cold Sore Remedies

Four years ago, I found a clinically proven natural home remedy for cold sores that changed my life.

Before being introduced to this product, I suffered an average of 9 debilitating cold sore eruptions and 5 genital herpes outbreaks a year.

As you can imagine, my life was a living hell. However, once I started the treatment, my quality of life took a marvelous turn for the better.

To all intents and purposes, this little known Australian product, Dynamiclear, “cured” both my HSV I (cold sores) and HSV II (genital herpes) in a matter of weeks.

Unfortunately, there are a three downsides to this product:

  1. When you first apply the solution to a cold sore or genital lesion, it stings like crazy.
  2. Overusing the product is a definite no-no! No matter how severe, you only need a single application per outbreak. Please don’t be tempted to treat a lesion more than once like I did. It will cause unpleasant skin irritation.
  3. Although it works for most people, It doesn’t work for everyone.

Other Clinically Proven Cold Sore Home RemediesLemon Balm Cream:

In a study of 116 people carried out by the University of Maryland Medical Center, the group that applied lemon balm cream to their sores experienced significant improvement after 2 days. The report goes on to say:

Both the patients and their doctors reported that the lemon balm ointment was highly effective as a cold sore home remedy.”

Olive Leaf Extract:

Here’s a quotation from a report published by the Health/Science Newsletter:

“Research or clinical experience to date suggest that Olive Leaf Extract should be considered as a healing participant in the treatment of conditions caused by, or associated with, a virus, retrovirus, bacterium, or protozoan.

Among such conditions may be influenza, the common cold, meningitis, Epstein-Barr Virus (EBV), encephalitis, herpes I and II, human herpes virus 6 and 7, shingles, HIV/ARC/AIDS, chronic fatigue, hepatitis B, pneumonia, tuberculosis, gonorrhea, malaria, dengue, bacteremia, severe diarrhea, blood poisoning, and dental, ear, urinary tract and surgical infections.”


Lysine is a well-researched, effective supplement towards a cold sore home remedy. It is a natural amino acid that restricts the herpes virus at cellular level.

Once a person has contracted herpes or cold sores the virus will remain in the body in a latent (inactive) state in the central nervous system.

When the virus reactivates (wakes up), it travels up the nerve paths to the surface of the skin and causes a cold sore outbreak.

Lysine helps to prevent the herpes and cold sore virus from becoming active. It does this by naturally lowering the levels of its “food” source, Arginine, an amino acid that is required by the virus to replicate and become active.

“Tissue culture studies show that when taken in high enough doses, the amino acid Lysine acts to repress the metabolism of Arginine, thereby reducing virus growth and activity.”

Andrographis:(Andrographis paniculata)

This herb has been used in eastern cultures for thousands of years.
Modern research finds that it:

  • Inhibits herpes virus activity in vitro·
  • Improves the level of T-helper cells (cells that participate in cell-mediated immunity and are essential for controlling viruses).
  • Increases white cell phagocytosis, a process in which cells “eat up” bacteria and other foreign invaders.
  • Supports and enhances the immune system.
  • Is even more effective as a cold sore home remedy supplement when combined with immune stimulators, such as the herb Echinacea, zinc and vitamin C.

Echinacea OintmentIn studies carried out at the Department of Biology, University of Ottawa, Ottawa, Canada, Echinacea was fount to have a significant antiviral effect on cold sores.

Reishi Mushroom and Astragalus Root

A blend of these two ingredients has been used for centuries in traditional Chinese and Japanese medicine.

Modern research shows that they act as an effective immune system enhancer.

“Further evidence shows that Reishi powder or supplements taken in a dosage of 600mg twice a day could be a practical cold sore home remedy, as it may inhibit the spread if the herpes simplex virus.”

However, if you suffer from a cardiovascular disease and take aspirin, warfarin or similar medication, consult your health care provider before using Reishi, as it can delay blood clotting.


This compound found in the skin of red grapes has proven antiviral properties.

Studies carried out by the Northern Ohio University show that applying resveratrol cream directly to a cold sore several times a day is effective in suppressing cold sore development.

In order for this remedy to work, however, the ointment should be applied within 1 to 6 hours of the first outbreak.