Performance Is The Thing

Performance is the thing. We are all aware of it, concerned about it and striving to achieve it. It is important. It is one of the ways we measure our success in this world. As coaches we help our clients improve their performance to achieve their goals. We support them as they work to improves their performance. We celebrate with them when they increase their performance. And, we leave them with action plans to keep up the work of continuous improvement of their performance.

But must it be so hard and such an effort? Not when we employ some of the tools Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) affords us. NLP allows us to coach clients to tap into their own power and passion which helps drive them more effortlessly to higher performance. It helps us get to the core issues much deeper and faster so we can serve our clients better.

These tools aid clients in recognizing why and how to make the changes that will draw them to their goals of personal awareness and effectiveness. They are powerful and effective methods to quickly go to deep issues and use the human brilliance of the client to change beliefs and perspectives to achieve resourceful states for problem solution, idea creation and action planning.

A great example of this is using the Three Chairs Tool to help a client see his issue from the perspective of three different people. The tool suggests you literally have the client sit in three different chairs and relate from that person’s (self, other, observer) perspective what has happened. Then the coach asks questions to help the client understand how they could shift their own belief or perspective in relation to what they have learned from the exercise. This is a very simple yet profound and powerful experience for clients. And, it is only one of many tools that are available to coaches who know NLP.

I got my NLP training through Coach Academy Texas and Peggy Dean, one of the world’s best practitioners and one of a handful of master NLP trainers. It was a wonderful experience. I thought I was a good coach before the training but it took my coaching to a whole new level of being able to help my clients. The understanding of how the brain works in tandem with linguistics is fascinating and helps us see human behavior in a new light. If you, as a coach, want to add a new skill to your tool kit this is one I would definitely recommend.

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