How to Reduce Dark Circles Under Your Eyes

How to Reduce Dark Circles Under Your Eyes

It is never fun to have people tell you that you look tired or older than you really are. One of the things that contributes more to looking older and more tired than any other factor is when you have bags under your eyes. Dark circles and bags make you look older and more tired because they are caused by both the natural aging process as well as other things that a person does on a regular basis. The single biggest contributing factor that makes these bags appear is heredity. There is a good chance that if one or both parents have dark bags under there eyes that you will have them at some point as well.

One of the most popular searches on the Internet is “how to reduce dark circles under your eyes.” Many people believe that bags and dark circles are caused by different things but they are in fact caused by the exact same aging process. As a person ages the ligaments that hold fat deposits under their eyes weaken and cause the deposits to protrude through the skin causing bags. Once a person has these bags cast a shadow on the eyes it makes dark circles appear under the eyes.

If you are wondering how to get rid of bags under your eyes you will want to do some research on the Internet. One thing that you can contribute to these bags and dark circles is when sinuses drain improperly. Pressure in the sinuses creates a protrusion under the eyes and causes bags. To reduce the risk of these pressure caused bags you will want to sleep with an extra pillow under your head. This will allow the sinuses to drain properly and help eliminate bags. Make sure you are getting enough sleep as fatigue can contribute to these bags under your eyes as well.
