Natural Treatment For Oily Skin and Causes

Oily skin is something that we all experience. The oil in our skin is considered as our natural moisturizer. Our skin tends to oil because sebum is secreted. Sebum, from the Latin word which means fat is an element from our sebaceous gland. This comes out to our pores to protect our skin and the hair follicles from dryness. However, excessive secretion of sebum may also damage the skin. This is because sebum easily accumulates dirt on the skin, blocking the pores thus damaging of the skin begins. The usual damages caused by wrinkles are blackheads, pimples, acne or worse wrinkles and fine lines.

The causes are as follows:

Weather condition – Extreme weather condition makes our sebaceous gland active. For instance, when the weather is very hot, our skin dries up and sweat and sebum is secreted through the pores.

Diet – Oily foods are also a factor for having oily skin and if we eat too much oily and fatty foods the sebum secreted is beyond normal value.

Hereditary – Heredity is one reason. If both parents are prone to it, the children have the tendency to acquire it as well. This would also be a sign of having an active sebaceous gland.

Smoking – The smoke from cigarette somehow triggers the sebaceous gland to be active which makes it secrete excessive sebum.

Some say it is an advantage to have an oily skin. This is because its a sign of an active skin and with an active skin the process of aging slows down. However, as stated, too much oil in the skin damages it.

Today there is treatment for oily skin that has been widely used by people. This treatment needed discipline and perseverance to achieve the desired result. One best way to cure and prevent oily skin is by using moisturizer and a change of lifestyle. When using moisturizer, there are two choices which you will base on the kind of skin you have. If you have an oily skin, it is best to use water base moisturizer. On the other hand, oil base moisturizer is suitable for dry skin.

Treating an oily skin is not as easy as A, B, C. You need to have patience and dedication because oily skin is not an overnight treatment. With these two ingredients added with the right product, a rejuvenated skin is achieved.