Remedies For Your Sinusitis

From the beginning of time people have relied on the “gifts of the land” to survive. This also applied for medications. It just wasn’t possible to pop a pill and be better all of a sudden. People actually had to use anything at their disposal, and this included formulating natural sinusitis remedies. Back before manufactured foods and drugs, there were gardens that were the supermarket and the drugstore. Gardens then were not just for pretty flowers but packed full of goodness such as fruits and vegetables, but also herbs and spices, capable of treating the worst of ailments. A lot of people, when they feel down in the dumps with a sickness, would love to remember what granny told them about how she used to “fix” them when they were younger.

Snuggling up in a nice comfy chair sipping on some of granny’s tea made up of Cheyenne pepper and hot water could be just the thing needed to unclog those nasty plugged up nasal passages. Although it does taste much better in some Mexican recipes, Granny was right after all about the other uses of this spice. The steam from the tea would clear me up in no time and I would be able to finish with my chores. Usually 2 to 4 times daily would be enough treatments for a child.

Eucalyptus is also a natural ingredient that has been used for many years to make into a tea. This will help as a decongestant for that heaviness in your chest. The patient would sit and sip their tea for about 10 minutes at a time. Thyme is another natural drying agent that will work wonders for your congested chest and nose; steep 1 to 2 teaspoon in a cup of water and sip it 3 cups per day. Today, even medical doctors tell us to use the same types of cures that were practiced as sinusitis remedies long ago.

With today’s technologies, a doctor can pinpoint exactly what is wrong by performing special testing. And new modern medicines are invented every day. But some still believe wholeheartedly in the powers of olden day medical treatments. The only treatment from a doctor you probably have to have is an antibiotic. Bacterial infections need more comprehensive testing and treatment that only a medical doctor can do. Antibiotics can make all the difference in the world to make you feel better faster. But antibiotics do not work if the infections are viral or from environmental allergies.

A doctor may recommend that you take a nasal decongestant, which also comes in pill form. But why not try a natural approach first? Here is another sinusitis remedy that works wonders on unclogging those hard to reach areas. Mix 1 teaspoon of salt to 1 cup of boiling water, stir until it is all dissolved and put 2 drops in each nostril. Repeat as much as you want as long as it is necessary. Unlike drugs, there are no side effects. Some people find it relaxing to give themselves a facial rub. This can be performed by massaging both sides of your nose with your thumbs in a circular motion. This, however, is only a temporary resolution, but it does work. The more that you use the massage method; more rejuvenated blood rushes to the injured area, adding relief.

Vaporizers at bedtime are also one of the perfectly natural sinus remedies that can help keep your nostrils moist and more comfortable as you to sleep and make sure you are well rested by daybreak.

Use these natural sinusitis remedies, but be sure to get medical treatments for chronic sinusitis, since if it is left untreated, it can cause other ailments that you really don’t want to face. These remedies are available to you whether you believe in granny’s way or if you decide to go see the family doctor. The important thing is that this condition should never just go untreated; it can last for months, with reoccurrences lasting for years.

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