Stress – Personal Traits – Insecurity

When reading people and learning body language, insecurity is one of the easiest components of personal traits stress to identify. In addition to all of the issues a person deals with, insecurity is often accompanied by self-imposed perfectionism. They may be unconscious of their behaviors and actions, or they may think they are very good at masking their insecurities. Either way, by learning to know what to watch and listen for, this stressor is easily identified. Normally, when a problem is being masked, it reveals itself in other aspects of the individual’s life.
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One way to unveil insecurity is to listen when someone over-exaggerates simple and mundane experiences, as they tell a story or attempt to explain a situation. Unable to admit insecurity, for fear of rejection or appearing weak in some way, they will overcompensate in other areas. This over-exaggeration can show in their body language as well as the volume, pitch, and tone of their voice.

Insecurity can also show up in the form of temper-tantrums from guilt of a past transgression that the person may not necessarily connect with the behavior they display today. Feelings of failure or lack of being responsible or being dishonorable in some form are a few of the issues that may cause an individual to create behaviors, such as a temper-tantrum. This conduct often reveals itself in their attitudes and body language. The anger he displays is really directed towards him self, but oftentimes is “taken out” on those he works with or are closest to in his life.

Insecurity can reveal itself on opposite ends of the scale. While some individuals are loud and obnoxious, others are quiet and withdrawn. Oftentimes, you may notice an over-exaggeration in their body movements as well as their voice, but especially with their arms and hands. It is also important to recognize that insecurity has more than one outlet in human behavior. By identifying insecurity in behavioral patterns, you can adjust your approach when creating rapport.

For example, a subtle way an individual displays insecurity in his body language, (seldom is he aware) is through some form of a superiority gesture. A few of the components of this gesture are: Standing with the hands clasped behind the back; putting feet on a desk or counter; the chin might be raised just a little as though they are looking over your head or looking down at you, or possibly down their nose at you; putting their glasses down on their nose; raising their eyebrows and looking up at you over their glasses. All of these are subtle forms of superiority, which has its roots in insecurity. Very few people recognize these gestures as insecurity, most associate them with dominance. Whichever way a person displays his insecurity, it is important to recognize this behavior as you read his entire body language. In my experience, it reveals a great deal about how they handle all of the stressors in their life.

In the work place, you will encounter an array of gestures, gesture clusters, and attitudes which may reveal what the most seemingly confident person may be attempting to cover up in an effort to compensate for his insecurities. Learning to read the body language of those you work with or for, can give you insight into how to cope with the many personalities you will encounter and help you alleviate the stress you are experiencing in your daily routine. Whether working with clients or co-workers, you will find that being able to communicate effectively by reading body language will give you the edge you need in today’s competitive market.

In my practice of clinical hypnotherapy, it is imperative that I recognize insecurity as it plays out in a person’s non-verbal communication. Just the same as one word does not explain an entire concept, one gesture does not reveal the full meaning of what the body is revealing. Of course, when reading a person’s non-verbal clues and signals you will want to read their gesture clusters, not just the single gesture. Gesture clusters is the overall message of the combined single gestures an individual displays at any given time. They give meaning moment-to-moment and movement-to-movement as to what is taking place internally.
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Many times the stress an individual may be experiencing will be coupled with a deeper, core stress of which they may be unaware, but will still reveal itself in their body language. Everyone feels insecure at some point in their life. Recognizing these and other personal traits stressors observed in body language can help you make changes in what YOU are revealing unintentionally.

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