Ways To Kick Start Your Metabolism

Are you following those simple steps that will elevate your metabolism? If you want to get rid of your fat, start following those tips.

1-Never Skip Breakfast

The first way you can kickstart your metabolism is to be sure you aren’t skipping breakfast. If you do, you’re setting yourself up to experience a slow metabolism throughout the rest of the day. Ideally you want to start the day off with a solid source of protein along with some complex carbohydrates and a small amount of health fat.

2-Be Sure To Get Enough B Vitamins

Moving on, the next thing you want to be sure you’re doing is getting enough B vitamins. These in particular are going to help ensure that you are utilizing the carbohydrates you take in effectively. When you aren’t getting a full supply of B vitamins, that’s when you’re really going to notice the symptoms of fatigue coming on quite strong.

3-Don’t Starve and Then Binge

Another thing you really want to avoid doing if you want to maximize your metabolism optimally is not starving and then binging. This will really set you up for issues down the road, leading to a very sluggish metabolic rate and a shift in overall body composition towards a much higher body fat percentage.

4-Increase Your Muscle Mass

With regards to your body fat percentage, something you actively want to work towards if you want to maintain a lower body fat over the long term is increasing your lean muscle mass. Because muscle mass is more metabolically active, the more of it you have, the more calories you will burn on a daily basis. This means you can either eat more food while maintaining your current body weight or you can lose weight faster by eating the same calorie intake that you have been.

5-Drink More Water

Even a small amount of dehydration can slow your metabolic rate down, making it critical that you always try and get in enough water. Most people often don’t even realize they are dehydrated until it’s too late, so take a preventative approach to this by drinking before you feel thirsty to start off with.

6-Make Your Cardio Sessions Shorter But More Intense

On the cardio side of things, you should also try to maximize the metabolic rate increases you experience by making your sessions more intense through interval training. While any type of cardio activity is going to increase the amount of calories you burn that day, it’s only interval training that will increase the calorie burn in the hours after you’re finished.

7-Get Up And Walk Every Hour

If you have a desk job, you likely spend a number of hours each day sedentary. This not only slows the metabolism down, but making times exercise actually has appetite suppressing effects, so the more often you can get up and walk around, the less hungry you’ll feel during the day. Set a timer at your desk to go off every hour and get up and walk around when it does.

8-Get Enough Essential Fatty Acids

Essential fatty acids are proving to be more and more beneficial when it comes to maintaining your body weight and increasing the rate of fat oxidation that takes place in the body. Because of this, if you’re getting in your daily intake regularly, you’re going to have an easier time losing weight than someone who isn’t. Try and aim to get 3-6 grams of fish oil daily for optimal results. This can be achieved through your food intake or else through supplementation with fish oil.

9-Eat More Food Immediately After Your Workout

When it comes to maximizing your metabolism after your workout, you want to focus on taking in as many carbs in the post-workout period as possible, while still staying within your overall calorie needs. It is at this time that the body will use those carbohydrates to replace lost muscle glycogen, rather than storing them as body fat. Furthermore, you won’t see quite as bad of an insulin spike and have high blood glucose for extended periods of time (since the muscles will suck up the glucose immediately ) after the workout, so those who suffer from insulin sensitivity would do well making sure the majority of their carbs are taken in during this time.

10-Decrease Your Rest Periods During Your Workout

Finally, the last thing you want to focus on is decreasing your rest periods during your workout. This will not only increase the testosterone response you experience, which helps to retain lean muscle mass, but it will also help to boost the metabolic increase immediately after the workout. Just don’t shorten your rest periods so much though that you are not able to lift as heavy of a weight, as it’s that heavy lifting that actually will build the muscle in the first place, which as we discussed above, is part of an overall long-term strategy for increasing your metabolism.

So, be sure you keep these tips in mind. The more frequently you can abide by them and implement them into your day, the faster you’ll see results coming.

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